Spoiled by Choice.
Choices, choices, CHOICES!
You love what you do. Your business is successful. You want more. But...
You're awash with options and spoiled by choice. Muddying the water with overthinking.
Leading to indecision and procrastination. And their bedfellows… doubt and fear.
What you want is clarity and certainty so you're free to move forward with complete confidence.
I help entrepreneurs who care deeply about their work. And who want to complete the marathon with their arms in the air. A smile on their face. And pride in their heart.
This means putting long-term sustainability ahead of short-term profit. Something 25 years of real business experience as an entrepreneur, followed by 22 years supporting passionate business owners, and a deep love of business uniquely qualifies me for.
I help grow businesses which:
Stand for something.
Balance commerce & compassion.
Make a difference.

“Business is a marathon, not a sprint”
Bold as love.
Change requires courage. Working with me requires it too. Together we uncover the changes you and your business need to make. To take you to the next level.
Hard truths, a rigorous, collaborative approach. Combined with compassion and understanding. I’ll be your #1 fan supporting you every step of the way.
Guaranteed X-fold increase in profits?..............................Nope
Proven, tried and tested methods?.......................................Yup
Honesty and experienced guidance?.................................100%
Solid, sustainable success?.......................................Absolutely
More time and energy?............................................Your choice
REAL business experience.
Five companies founded, scaled and sold that have generated over £250m worth of sales, which are still trading at over £25m sales per year.
International experience, having worked across 30+ countries, including founding businesses in the USA and Japan.
Over £5m raised in investment capital.
Two Queen's Awards for Export and one Queen's Award for Innovation for companies I led.
40+ years of business experience.
Hundreds of entrepreneurs successfully supported.
Here are some of my clients, past and present: